Ombré Halloween mini pumpkins

The term 'ombre' from the French word meaning shaded or shading. I like to start with the dar colors from the top through the mid-shaft and then gradually gets lighter from the mid-shaft to the bottom.

With pumpkins painted, I added kawaii faces. Kawaii is the culture of cuteness in Japan. I love to use it in a lot of my crafts and you can fins the cute faces inspiration HERE. 
 Supplies needed
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Step 1. Clean your pumpkin with soap and water to remove any dirt or wax that might keep the paint from adhering properly.   

Step 2: Start by preparing your pumpkin with a coat of white primer.

Step 3. I chose to have the light color at the bottom but you can also do the opposite. Color the surface starting by the bottom until the middle of it.

Step 4. Start painting the dark shade from the steam until the middle of the pumpkin. Let it dry completely.

Step 5: For the second layer, repaint the colors the same way. With the paint still wet, tap the brush carefully horizontally to start blending the colors. I do it to each color. Let it dry.

Step 6. Repeat step 5 if you believe it's necessary. Let it dry.

Step 7. Use the Posca to dry the adorable kawaii faces and... tah-dah! The pumpkins are spooktacular to be left around with a note alongside.

For more ideas:
Instagram Word Rocks Project