Holding onto happiness

"Thanks for bringing some HAPPINESS to my life"

Receiving a mail like the one I received today from Dean gives me great satisfaction. Get to know that Word Rocksbrought the right word at the right moment fill our hearts with joy. That is what Word Rocks! is all about!

"I was feeling a little down and stressed out. I was walking with my wife to see the Titanic Exhibit at the San Diego Natural History Museum and look down on the bench and found this wonderful rock. I looked at it and  I said to my wife I sure could use a little happiness so I picked it  up and held on to, I  just admired the word and the beauty of the rock. I carried it around through the whole exhibit waiting in the long line it gave me some ease and comfort and reminded me that happiness comes in the present moment. So thank you for bringing some HAPPINESS to my life. I think I will hold on to it for just I little while longer and I will send HAPPINESS on its journey.
Thank you,
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