Around the world

From Brazil to France and back to Brazil!

There are things that have no explanation. Last week, my friend Berê from Rio de Janeiro was vacationing in London and in Paris and placed a couple of rocks there. Another brazilian, Eduardo Dias, was also on vacation in Europe and was the one to found one of her rocks! 
Isn't it amazing? 
"It was there near the Louvre Museum", he wrote me. Eduardo thinks that this is "really a cool project" and he'll place a rock in his city too.

And as I LOVE a love story, here is more to go: my friend Berê prepared the rocks in a coffee shop in charming Notting Hill, London. That's when Robert Sayer was delighted by it. He really became interested in the rocks, and even more in my friend. And soon they began a romance. Love this!


  1. Eduardo, história sensacional! Minha amiga ficou felicíssima! Só não esquece de me dizer de que cidade ou estado você é. E a pedrinha deu volta ao mundo, né?

    Um abraço!

  2. Amazing story, Eduardo!

    My friend was happy to know it!

  3. Eu fico encantada com isso!Adoro ver!beijos,chica


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